Friday, December 7

So close

I don't want to jinx it, but I feel so on top of my exercise and eating right now!

I figured out a way, or an arrangement, rather, that allows me to exercise every weekday! And I don't even have to think about it, or talk myself into going... I'm so exited, since it really works - I've been doing it for over a month! What is it? Lunch workouts!

Of course, I'm very lucky to work at a place that let's me take an hour workout lunch, and then come back, and actually eat after. And, in addition, my boss paid for a three month membership to the community center that is right next door! It's a crappy, smelly, cheap place, sure... but, I get to workout every day, and it doesn't cost me anything! It's perfect.

And I feel so close to actually reaching my weight goals! I do a lot of weight training, well, actually hight-intensity circuit workouts with weights, and I have a lot of fun. Since winter is here, and I really don't want to buy additional running gear in order to run in this cold and snow, the gym workouts were my best alternative.

I'm also really lucky that my co-worker comes with me for the lunch workouts, and actually lets me 'train' her... :) I think I found my other calling in life, seriously, I love it! I research and make up different routines for us, keep it interesting and challenging... I think if I went alone, I wouldn't be as motivated to work as hard.... I think I would feel awkward to do all the things that we usually do by myself (like jumping over the bench, doing step ups to no music... I don't know, maybe it's just me... I'm sure other people in the gym don't really care what I do, but I'm always afraid to look like an idiot... LOL).

oh, and I started another blog... this one is about another obsession of mine, having a baby. And since it's a whole other thing that I deal with, I decided to separate the two, but, if you're interested it's

1 comment:

marie said...

I went to the gym with a woman once who has super duper personal trainers and she kicked my butt, putting me through kickass routines that had people staring at ass the entire time.

But I think it was the only time I ever felt truly sore the next day. Those are the BEST kinds of workouts :)

That's one lucky co-worker!