Monday, August 18

ten weeks

wow... ten weeks, and it still doesn't feel real. I know I shouldn't, but I keep waiting for things to go wrong... this is simply too good to be true. I can't wait until my ultrasound next week, I just want to be sure everything is okay. For now, I'm just holding my breath...

I had a lower back pain for the past two weeks. I continue to run anyways... and man, am I slow! :) I don't care, as long as I'm out there, moving, it's all good.

I really can't complain otherwise - I've had no morning sickness, no unusual cravings/aversions. I get really sleepy in the afternoons, and go to bed at 9pm, but that's really all.

Eating wise I've been pretty good (all things considering). I have a sweets/treats day - Friday, which, occasionally spills into the weekend. :) I eat as healthy as before, not loosing any weight, of course! I know the weight-gaining part is necessary, and I'm prepared, but I know it will be hard for me. So far I've weighed myself twice at home, and the gain was reasonable (2-3lbs), but when I was at the doctors office I told them not to tell me their number. I just want to go by the morning weight... for now, at least.

On Wednesday I'm leaving to go visit my parents in toronto. God help me. I'm sure my parents and my in-laws will be feeding me to death!

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