Tuesday, March 6

Still trying to get back on track

It's Tuesday - and it's freezing cold! I just couldn't walk to work in the morning, it was -26c and -34 with windchill!

I did walk/ran to my dentist appointment at lunch, so maybe I can count that towards my morning walk. And I think I'll be brave and walk home tonight * gasp *

So that's what I've been doing lately - I didn't buy a bus bass for March and all last week I walked to and from work. That's 6.6k and takes about 35min walking each way. I don't look at this as a replacement to the gym workouts, rather, a supplement to my cardio. I still do weights three to four times a week. It's just that I find that when I spend a lot of time at the gym, I loose my motivation.

It's finally getting easier to get up at 5:50am in the morning. And the daylight saving time starts this sunday...**doh***

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