Wednesday, February 28

Motivation - lacking!

I don't know what's wrong with me. Honestly. I just can't get out of bed in the morning - and this is the girl that went to the gym at six in the morning five days a week a month ago!

I just can't pin point what it is. I wake up, I know I should go, I get stuff ready, like my lunch and my gym bag, I sometimes even get up, but then decide that I'm too sleepy, and just go back to bed!

I tried going to sleep earlier - nine thirty is the usual time now, but I just can't get enough sleep! I know that in the winter I have less energy (especially when it's dark and cold), but what I don't understand is how I did this before! I really want to go, but when the alarm goes off - I just can't!

Here's what I'm trying to do while I'm having this "off" streak: I'm not buying a bus pass for March. I'm going to walk to and from work (that's 6.6k altogether). I will do weights four times a week (at night, if I have to). And hope that this works. Am I tired of my routine? Maybe. So, maybe this variation will help me a bit.

Previously, I worked out 5-6 times a week, for an hour and a half. Then I went to Toronto for the weekend, and woke up sick on Monday. Was really sick for a week, and kind of sick the next week. And here I am, all better, but can't get up in the morning! I know I have to get back into the routine, and I'm trying really really hard...

This is funny - at lunch today, I went out and bought some "winnie-the-pooh" stickers. So, for the days that I'm "good" (that is, I had worked out, and was good with my eating) I get a sticker on my calendar that's on my desk. LOL oh the tactics I have to resort to... :)

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