Friday, February 2

oh how I hate winter...

I'm in a such "mopey" (is that a word?) mood lately! And all these depressing posts... *sigh* I'm not doing much better today - I feel a headache coming on and I'm mad, because it always happens when I have lots of things to do at work, and I'm stressed, even slightly. (Can you tell I'm a procrastinator also? I'd doing this instead of work!).

I did go to the gym this morning - did half-hour of weights, and an hour of low-intensity cardio. At least it's Friday (part of the reason I don't feel like working).

I'm still trying to work out a routine that works for me (so it's not mentally and phisically hard to keep up with the exercise). So far I came to a conclusion that if I go in the mornings (the optimal time, hands down), then I need a break on Thursday. Then I can go Friday morning again. I'm still struggling with the weekend though. On Saturday I like to put on my comfy robe, make breakfast and read the paper for a looong while... but then I feel guilty about not going to the gym. If I go to the gym first, the whole "lounging" experience is just not the same! Sundays are easier, they are my laundry/long workout days. I do put the task off sometimes to the evening, but I always have to do laundry, so I end up going to the exercise room. Anyways, we'll see how it goes this weekend, I might HAVE to make a deal with myself that if I do the whole breakfast routine, then I go for a half-hour on the treadmill in the evening. (It's just mentally easier to take than an hour). We'll see... so, here's to a great weekend with no guilt!

1 comment:

marie said...

I am a morning gym person and could go everyday but my body tells me to take breaks. I find weekends i just shift my lounging to the afternoon. I come back from the gym or a run, grocery shopping, etc., have a shower and put comfy clothes on and crawl back in bed with a good book and it works out just as well.

Hope you enjoy your guilt free weekend!