Monday, February 5


And that means only four more days until Friday! And then I go to Toronto! I will see my parents, my sister and my friends! yay! (can you tell that I'm excited?).

It's a very cold day today, here in Ottawa. The weekend wasn't too bad, we even went to see the ice sculptures and the canal. We didn't skate - it was way too crowded, and the ice was rough, and I was so cold after an hour of walking around that I was really glad that we didn't even try to skate! (oh, and you should know that I'm not a great skater, so I see people and bumps in the ice as great obsticles... LOL).

In terms of eating... it was reasonable. That's all I have to say. I did go to the gym on Saturday, while DH was sleeping, and then I had my "newspaper reading" time. So that was nice. Sunday I was busy cooking and cleaning, so somehow the exercise just didn't happen (so much for my laudry/exercise theory).

I'm trying take it easy, meaning, not being too hard on myself when I eat something I shouldn't/don't need to eat. I exercise at least five days a week, seven on a good week. Drink tons of water. I don't want to get into the mind-set of "I have to loose weight by this or that time". As my DH says, as much as those couple of pounds lsot mean to me, people can't see that much difference in me (now that I think of it, that could be a bad thing, no?). For examle, when I went back to Toronto at Christmas, I had lost five pounds since last time everyone had seen me (my body fat % went down too), and no one even said anything! Now, I know I shouldn't be doing this for anyone else, and I'm not, but maybe he is right, maybe a lot of it is in my head... hm.. I have to think about that...

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