Friday, February 23

"eating concerns"

Last night I've attended a meeting (support group) for people with "eating concerns". I think they use that term so that people with all kinds of eating disorders can be included, not necessarily bulimia/anorexia. Maybe that played a role in my desicion to go...

I haven't been diagnosed with an eating disorder (ED) per se, but I feel that my relationship with food is not a healthy one, and I would like to fix that, if at all possible. This is my first attempt to do something about it.

I realized that I'm running in circles - I eat/binge sometimes, than go on a strict and intense exercise regime, than get tired of it, don't do anything, feel guilty, and start over.

My DH is concerned with me going to the group, because I think he thinks I'll "get ideas". LOL
He doesn't think that I need "help", but for his sake as well as mine, I think I should try and sort this out.

I recognize that there are people that are "sicker" than me. And maybe I don't have a full-blown ED, but that doesn't mean that I should sit and wait until it "gets somewhere". (he never said that, that's just my reasoning).

So I'm looking for a therapist right now. My insurance covers up to $1000 per year, so that should get me some sessions. I'm looking forward to it. Yesterday I felt like I could share my feelings about food, and the people in the group really understood what I was talking about, and I know what they meant as well. Like one girl said that she used to obsess about getting her breakfast "right", and having anxiety about eating something different for breakfast.

I really think that I might fix this obsession of mine... I don't think there's any harm in trying.


marie said...

I have always been a binge eater (and i can do it without thinking or without reasoning) so to go to an open forum on it or to see a professional one-on-one about it could be very beneficial.

I always wondered if WW meetings were helpful in that regard (having never been to them, really).

Good luck though!

Jamie said...

ah, yes... eating concerns... yes. I have those too. I have the same cycle that you have. Really good, really bad, somewhere in the middle with a lot of guilt mixed in.

I have found that a lot of stress brings out the worst in me. Currently I'm in the cycle of bingeing and then feeling really horrible about it and beating myself up. "I should exercise everday." "I should eat only organic carrots for 4 days to detox my system". I see a therapist and this morning he told me I need to start thinking in terms of "I would like to..." Instead of the should's. "I would like to exercise everday." Think about it!

Good luck and keep us posted!