Thursday, August 16

To weigh or not to weigh

That is the question.

I've been doing pretty good so far (well, I think so anyways, the scale might have a different opinion). While I was on my two-week vacation I worked out, ate reasonably well, and I THINK I actually lost weight when I came back!

I say "think", is because me and my scale haven't been friends for a while. Currently it resides in the bathroom cabinet, and I'm sure is pretty dusty, since I haven't stepped on it in a long long time.

I get really hung up on the numbers. I seem to use them as motivation to eat! Funny, isn't it? If I have a good number, I think that I can "afford" to have a treat, if the number is bad, I say "screw it, it's all lost anyhow" and I eat.

So now I had been running consistently, and think I should weigh myself once a week as a motivation to continue being "good" with exercise and food...

*sigh* what to do... what to do??

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