Monday, July 23

running and biking

This was basically my weekend - biking and running.

On Saturday my DH and I went on a two hour bike ride on the pathways. The weather was lovely, which was a bonus. Although my legs hurt like hell, because I was trying to keep up with him (unsuccessfully, I might add).

And on Sunday I had my long run with the RR - 9k (plus the 3k walk there and 3k run back home). I did much better than I thought I would've, considering the aching muscles. Of course, today I hurt all over, but that's another story. While I was getting dressed for my run on Sunday morning, I pulled the muscle in my neck!!! How do you do that???

Well, there was no way I was going to miss my run (since I haven't done a long run in almost three weeks), so I sucked it up, and on my way there it occurred to me to buy some A.dvil (luckily I had some money), because by that time my head was beginning to hurt because of the pinched muscle in my neck. Anyways, I got some drugs in me as well as a shot of espresso, and I got through it, and actually enjoyed the run! yay! :)

1 comment:

marie said...

yahhooo! keep the advil around for the 16km+ weeks :P