Monday, December 18

Temptation overload!!!!

Oh my, what a weekend! I was completely blowing it each and every day starting Friday! I'm trying to learn and move on. I've analyzed what had set this fiasco off - and my conclution - a combination of factors: TOM is this week (I know it sounds like an excuse, but I'm always uncontrollable at that time), so I had crazy cravings for chocolate... and it was available.

I admit that I've made some errors - thursday I bought a bag of Weight Watchers' 1point chocolates to bring to work, so that I could have something chocolatey when the gift baskets start coming to the office. Well, guess what happened... I ate four of those chocolates on Friday, one by one, and then had 15 Hershey kisses (which I was avoiding since Thursday!).

So I thought - okay, I'll just have salad for dinner and everything is going to be just fine... (I did workout that morning for an hour and a half). We went out for our dinner, and I ordered what I thought was an innocent seafood salad... turned out to be deep fried calamari rings on a bed of greens... ouch!

But one day is not so bad, you say. That's what I thought too! Then came Saturday... I had to get my Christmas shopping done... (keep in mind, that in the morning I had two small plain chocolates and a small 2pt ice-cream bar). The reason behind that was that I already had something sweet, I won't be tempted in the mall... Ha! After an hour or so I decided to get a kids scoop of orange sherbert (which is around 2pt) as a treat for doing so good. I bought it, and then I meet up with my DH and he bought me a regular sized "booster juice"! (5pt). I had to drink it, because I knew he'll won't be happy if I don't (he never gets me anything exactly for that reason... so I wanted to be nice... nevertheless, we did have a bit of an agrument about this afterwards, and I feel really bad, because it's not his fault at all - I was just really angry at myself). I did work out for an hour on Saturday.

Well, Sunday wasn't much better. I did through away a half-eaten box of chocolates that I got for free with my purchase of colone for may dad :(. I also had a marshmallow santa... I know, I know... I'm such an idiot... I couldn't believe what I was doing as I was doing it! Then at night I went for a two hour workout.

I kind of see a pattern here... hmmm.... All I did was binge and compensate! I would be really worried if this was going on all the time, but I swear it was just this weekend... I don't know what came over me! I know it's not healthy, I know all the reasons I shouldn't have eaten what I've eaten, and in the quantities I've eaten it... What is wrong with me??!!!!!!

Right now I'm basically in 'damage control' mode. I'm so scared that I've erased all the hard work that I've done so far. And belive me - I worked very hard! **sigh**

The scary part is that I still have Christmas four-day weekend to deal with. That's two full dinners, not counting breakfasts and luches.... aaaahhhhh!!!!!!

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