Thursday, December 14

Week 4 - five pounds gone!

I know, I haven't posted in a while... as I said before, I'm always hesitant to take a loss 'to heart', before I know that I'm holding on to it. :)

Well, yesterday I had my weigh-in with my trainer, and I'm officially 143lb (142 at home with no clothes). My body fat % went down two percent (to 20%) in four weeks, and a total of 6% since Oct 13. I'm pretty excited about that, because most of what I lost in those five pounds is fat! oh, and I lost around 9 inches in total in those four weeks as well!

I can really see the difference now - my stomach is much flatter, and my waist smaller. And this is my 'trouble spot'. I don't really have a problem with my thighs (they usually stay the same), but gain my weight in the mid-section (which is not so attractive).

I'm so excited, because now I will feel so much better when people take pictures of me at Christamas - this makes such a difference! And this was my goal too!

I don't have much more to loose (best case scenario - i'll go down to 138), and I'll be happy. The trick is to maintain it!

Lately I've been doing at least an hour of cardio, six times a week, and weight training four times. I asked my trainer if that's how much I have to workout once I reach my goal, and she said yes. I know that exercise just has to become a part of my day, simply something I do, like eat or drink water or watch TV. And for the most part, it has. Most days I don't even give myself an option of not going, I simply pack my gym bag at night, and go in the morning.

I have to say that the more consistently I do it, the easier it becomes (I'm mostly talking about the getting up fifteen minutes to six). Once I get out of bed, I go through the motions like a well-oiled machine! :)

As for the eating part - I don't really follow the plan that the gym gave me, I rather take some ideas for meals, and count the points. This way I feel more in control. And I'm happy to say that I haven't gotten out of control lately. I have my treat at night, maybe 100cal popcorn, or choc. pudding, and then I'm okay. If I need to eat more, I'll eat another snack.

I'm still scared of the Christamas four day stay at my parents, and mostly, at my parents-in-law. My plan is to workout as much as I can in the morning everyday, and say 'no, thanks' a lot. There is no way that I'll let 'the holidays' ruin my hard work (and belive me, I worked hard!).

1 comment:

Anne said...

Congrats on the loss! I am also trying to say No thanks as much as I can.