Tuesday, June 12

Oh the mind games!

Here's a trick that could/will help me resist my cravings (and I have those often!.... mmm... chocolate... must... concentrate...). Anyway.

I did this today, and was totally surprised that it worked! So, here's a common situation with me: I just finished a meal, I'm satisfied, but I want something sweet. And nothing can really stop me (today this feeling hit me after breakfast!), unless we just don't HAVE anything, but usually there's at least a little jar of jam in the fridge.

So, what I did, was I acknowledge the craving, I thought "Yes, I want something sweet.", I stoped (I was already conveniently located in the kitchen), took a deep breath, had a sip of water and turned around, grabbed my bag and walked out the door. The trick is not to engage.

You see, my mind is like a teenager - always confrontational and constantly talking back. Maybe the key is to listen, acknowledge, but not act on the urge. It's not easy to do, the least I can do is try.

1 comment:

marie said...

that's so smart. great willpower.