Friday, January 18


I'm glad it's Friday! It wasn't a particularly stressful week or anything, but it's always nice to be off work, isn't it? :)

It was a good week too. Today was the 5th (!) day in a row that I went to the gym. I'm happy and sore. :)

My workout buddy (aka co-worker) even went for a run on wednesday! The weather was beautiful, sunny and crisp. The workout today was "arms and abs". Let's just say I'm looking forward to the weekend for some recovery time...

My eating has been reasonable. I still can't bring myself up to writting things down... but my chocolate intake had decreased drastically since last week (mainly due to the fact that I almost finished off the last basket of goodies in our office... :S ).

I even stepped on the scale this week as well. It was scary. Terrifying actually. I had no idea what kind of damage I've done during the holidays. But it looks like I'm 'only' up one pound since the last time I weigh myself, which was about two months ago. I really don't think that I didn't gain any weight, I think I must've lost some already, since I've been pretty good about going to the gym and not overeating at dinner and after dinner snacks.

But I need to get serious about dropping these nine pounds. I've been going back and forth between 145 and 147 for ages now! I have a bit over three months to do it. 3lbs a month doesn't seem unreasonable, but I do know how hard it is for me to loose once I get to 145lb. My body just doesn't want to be any lower (this kind of sounds like an excuse, but it's true...). So, starting next Wednesday, I will post my weigh-ins here... to motivate myself. I will also start posting more of my food intake.

Also, today is my Day 1 of "no more coffee" regime! I was drinking half regular and half decaf coffee for about a week and a half now, so today was my first day of no coffee at all! I'll keep you posted on how the next week goes. :)

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