Monday, January 21

so cooooold!

My god, it's freezing today! As I'm typing, my fingernails have a lovely bluish tinge to them...

Despite it being -22c in the morning, I walked to work... and was laughing (in my head) at all those suckers that were jam-packed in the passing buses. :) I usually walk so fast, I get a sweat going most of the time - today, I was just barely warm (if I walk fast, I can get to work in about 35 min, about 45 if there's snow on the ground). The good news is that I have all of my toes intact!

This weekend I got back to planning the meals for the week - yay! I feel much better when I go home to make dinner, and I know what I'm going to make. Also, DH and I signed up to take a French course at Algonquin College, so two nights a week we are going to have dinner "on the run". There's no way that I'm going to be buying crap to eat... so that gave me the extra push to get back to meal planning.

Also, today is my 4th day without coffee. I've decided to quit caffeine completely. I still have a cup (or two) of green tea in the morning, and I'll probably have to cut that out eventually as well. I was never a big coffee drinker, I would just grab one cup before I go to work, and I would have a couple of espressos on the weekends. But since we are going to start trying to have a baby in a few months, I thought I might as well get rid of this habit now. I'm doing okay so far, although I did have a pressure-like headache at night yesterday, and the same today.

Food for today looks like this:

B: millet porridge, 1/2 orange
S: pressed cottage cheese with a couple of teaspoons of yogourt
L: green salad w 1/2c beans, 1sm tortilla
S: carrots, apple
D: flank steak, green salad, 1/2c spaghetti

APs: circuit workout at lunch-45m, walk to work and back-60m

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