Friday, January 4

More on goals

Ok. It's official. I'm training for Ottawa ING 1/2 Marathon! Yay!

The "week 1" of my training will start January 27th... so I have three more weeks to go. Meanwhile, I have to see how I can fit in the runs into my schedule. I have a feeling that I'll do the weekday runs in the morning, before work. I really think it's the best time. I will probably need more winter gear, though... because I think it will get colder before it gets warmer. Wednesday we had -23c in the morning! (made my morning walk to work fun, I tell ya!). Even my iPod is beginning to think this is ridiculous temperature!

Anyways, my second fitness goal for this year is to do a real pull-up (well, I want to go for, like, ten... because I don't think "1" pull-up is a serious goal). I'm talking a real pull-up here! with a bar and me hanging on it! I know it doesn't seem all that challenging... until you try it. Right now, I'm ashamed to admit, I can't do even one! I just, kind of, just hang there... it's bad.

So, I've included tons of arm exercises in my weight-training routines. I can do a lot more push-ups than I used to. I also do chest press with dumb bells, as well as lat pull-down machine (I can do 60lb comfortably, 80lb if I try and push it... but, I gotta tell you, I weigh more than 80lb!). :)

Today I'm doing the "arms and abs" routine, that I made up all by myself! (with the help of some books and google, of course). I'm really big on full-body exercises, and try to use the machines very rarely. Here's what it looks like (take about 30min, plus warm-up and cool-down):

-> full body "get-up" (basically, I can do this very ungracefully, with a 10lb dumbbell in my hands.)
-> sit-ups on the ball
-> push-ups
-> chest press on the ball
-> triceps press
-> "wood chop" with a cord machine
-> squat thrusts (sometimes substituted by just jumps from the floor up... 'cause it gets very hard, very quickly!)
-> biceps curl
-> plank
-> sit-ups
-> triceps push-ups
-> throwing of medicine ball with squats

I don't know how I'll do today, since I'm sore from yesterday's workout, plus I'm in other kind of pain too (tom). But I do have to work-off all the chocolate that I've been eating lately... well, somebody's got to finish it*! lol

*note to self: start cleaning up your diet... hm... starting Monday... I think...

1 comment:

Christy said...

I've run that 1/2 a couple times and it's AWESOME!!! And once again it's earlier in the morning so it shouldn't be as hot. It's a fabulous run, and the spectators are the best part. You are going to love it!

Good luck training!!!