Friday, October 6

No money

I got to work today all excited to go and get my usual morning coffee from Second Cup... I reach into my bag, and realize that I forgot it at home! This never happens to me! I feel so lost! :)

Maybe I should do that more often! (that would solve my snacking/treating problem). I actually seriously considered asking my boss for $2! (and he would've probably given it to me too...). LOL

Yesterday night went okay, I guess... I did run for 40min on the treadmill, and I made chilli. I probably went over the points, but didn't care all that much, since I at least exercised. I peaked at the scale this morining. No movement - 145. But this could be water retention and TOM, since I feel my pants a bit looser.

I didn't go to the gym this morning. Bad, bad me. I woke up, and then I don't know what happened... I just closed my eyes, and then it was twenty minutes later! Oh well, I might go to the 'gym room' once I get home. And really, I have exercised every day since Sunday (and twice on Tuesday). I know, it's just an excuse... My goal is to do some sort of activity every day, and (now) try to have less snacks.

I have my assesement with a personal trainer on Wednesday, so I want to see a numer less than 145! Plus, I did want to go to WI too...

So, today is Friday, which means that the long weekend is almost here! Yay! Three days of freedom. And next weekend we are off to Toronto.

Oh, and here's my food intake for today, (and I know there won't be any extra treats, for sure!):

egg (boiled) and bread - 5pt
all-bran bar - 2pt
apple - 1pt

chilli (I'm guessing this one) - 4pt
yogourt - 2pt

________________________ 14pt

(oh man, am I going to be hungry when I get home!)

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