Monday, October 2

And so I begin

I've made some postive steps towards my weight-loss goal. I've joined a gym!!!!

It was a tough decision, since it's a considerable amount of money, plus, we have an 'exercise room' in our building (which I will use as a supplement). But, since I joined (wednesday), I felt really good. I went every weekday morning so far, and on the weekend I did the 5k 'run for the cure'. I feel in control now, more confident. As long as I have an establised routine, I can stay focused.

I haven't steped on the scale yet. I don't want to get discouraged. And I've decided that I will go to WI this Wednesday, no matter what. If I'm over my goal, I will pay, and will weigh-in next month. This way I'm still accountable, and it's not costing me a ton of money.

Ooh, oooh, and I bought six sessions with a personal trainer! Hopefully I'll get someone good, that can motivate me, and show me what to do. And I kind of look forward to the 'orientation', where they'll measure and weigh... but then, when I reach my goal, it'll be satisfying to look back...

Other than that, I'm kind of looking forward to going to Toronto next week. It will be nice to visit my family and my parents-in-law. It will be a challenge to control my food intake, for sure. I guess I have to start saying 'no' to my Dad, who loves to cook, and treat me and my mom and my sister. And I have to say 'no' to my MIL, who loves to treat me and my DH as well (with food, of course).

All in all, so far so good!

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