Thursday, November 9

Good things

I'm doing good overall. I really like my job, the pace is slow (which is nice), I get to do creative things, which I like.

I'm a little apprehensive about the meeting that I have after work, though, with this client that I found through the internet. I've met him two weeks ago to talk to him about the project, but I'm kind of doing everything for him to not want work with me! Isn't it funny? The reasons - I don't want to get into something that I might not be able to do completely (i.e. programming part, which I can't really do), and also I'm not looking forward to spending my free time working... :)

But he seems eager to start, has been okay with me so far explaining the many things that I won't do. I guess if all goes well, and he won't want to make a million changes to the design that I'm going to come up with... I'll be happy with the extra money... Christmas will be here soon, and, most importantly, I want to continue my sessions with my personal trainer. I've sent him an invoice for a 50% deposit upfront (see, I'm still trying to get rid of him!), and haven't heard back...

Apart from that, I'm pretty content.

I've been reading these blogs, though, lately, about women that lost their babies (either through misscarriage, or still birth), and it's so devestating! I know I shouldn't probably be reading so much about that, it'll make me so paranoid when/if I actually do get pregnant... but still. My heart goes out to them.

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