Wednesday, November 8

Sleepy head!

The morning I had today! I was pretty funny - the alarm went of at 5:45, I wasn't really asleep by then, but decide to stay in bed a couple of minutes longer.... then I thought, 'I'm really sleepy, I can't go to the gym today!' I did have my meeting with my personal trainer today, and I was thinking how I was going to call the gym at seven, and tell her that I slept in...

Then I decided to get up at about six. I brushed my teeth, and then I really really wanted to go back to bed. I tried to lure myself away from the bed by food - so I went into the kitchen and ate my serial, and it was twenty past six at that point. And it was dark and raining outside. So, all of a sudden I decide to just go into the bedroom and snuggle in to the warm blankets with my sleeping hubby... and so I did. I stayed five minutes, and thought "I'm not going to fall asleep, I'm just going to drive myself crazy thinking how my trainer came so early just for me, and I didn't show up!".

So, I got up. By that time the 6:30 alarm went of for DH. He says 'Aren't you going to the gym?'. 'I am' I said, and I knew there was no going back...

So I went to the gym. Got there five minutes to seven. Had my workout. Everything is good.

But isn't this pathetic? (and pretty funny, I think).

I hope I don't repeat the same thing tomorow! It's so time consuming! :)

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