Wednesday, November 1

Boo! Halloween Blues.

Sometimes I don't think. It's a fact.

There was no reason for me to have any contact whatsoever with the stupid Halloween candy, and yet I ate close to two bags of it in the past 24hr.

How did I manage to do that when we don't even have a reason to buy the candy, since we don't have kids in our building? Well, after my workout (!) in the morning I passed by Shoppers, and decided to go in to get some things. And it was on sale. I bought two bags - swedish berries and the caramel ones. I justified it to myself by saying that I will put it out for my co-workers to bring the Halloween 'spirit' in the office.

Oh, the things I tell myself... Of course, the four people that work with me had a total of five candies, and I was stuck with the rest. And I took it home. And had some more.

I'm trying not to beat myself up about it, but how can I be so stupid? I eat right most of the time, have my treat at the end of the night, just got on track with working out (somewhat). And then I go and do this! And don't even care while I'm doing it! And I'm going out with my friends on Saturday and we'll have chinese food and a major drinking feast (I'm going to Toronto again, and I haven't seen them in a long time).


And I have a major migrane to add to all of this. Lovely.

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