Thursday, February 7

It's almost Friday

It's Thursday, which means it's almost Friday, which means I'm closer to my long weekend of fun!! :)

My sister is coming to visit me from T.O., so I took Monday off. And now I have to think of how to entertain her... hmm... She's not all that crazy about working out like I am, but I'm going to have to sneak a couple of workouts anyhow that weekend - sorry sis! I did suggest trying to make sushi at home, and she was all for it, so I went to this Japanese/Korean food store and went a bit crazy with the supplies - I got 100 sheets of nori (!!! that will last me for years, I think), a couple of pounds of rice, some chopsticks, and a mat thingy. I did forget the most important ingredient - wasabi! Doh! I have to go back and get that, and also some stuff for the inside... I'm thinking carrots, cucumber, avocado and teriyaki marinated tofu.

Which reminds me - I made baked tofu yesterday! I was awesome. I basically put soy sauce, some honey, ginger, garlic, and a bit of balsamic vinegar in a dish with tofu, baked it for 30min at 400F. The texture was totally different than the time that I tried it in a miso soup that I made (which kind of brought on a mild gaging reaction...).

Also, yesterday I had a totally vegan day! No dairy, no meat! I really really think I can do this, I just have to get my husband to get used to the idea (I will still cook meat for him separately).

My workout yesterday was intense... I so sore all over today. Who knew that a dead lift with a heavy enough weight could work your WHOLE body??? I'm going to go for a quick cardio session today, since I have to study a bit more at lunch for my French class that I'm taking at night (we have a test today, and I haven't studied at all yesterday! I was so tired and sleepy!). oh, and the workout was from this book "New Rules Of Lifting For Women", I love the workout programs there!

And I did take the pictures yesterday! Pretty gross... I took them of my stomach, in my favourite jeans. So I guess my goal would be to be able to wear the jeans sans the love handles...


Jenn said...

Good luck on your French test!

My sister-in-law was a vegetarian for a long time. Her husband (hunter/fisher) didn't have that hard of a time adjusting. If they had a cookout, she would make him burgers and make herself a veggie burger. If its truly what you want to do, he'll get used to it.

Have fun with your sister! You could always go out dancing one night to sneak in a workout! :)

Randi said...

Dude I am so jealous of you doing these workouts! I got the book and am waiting for the classes that I've already paid for are done before starting. (you know how they've got all these things about what you can do on the same day and when you need a day off etc). How heavy of a weight do you use? For my birthday I'm getting a barbell and some weights but I have no idea how heavy to buy since I've only done body weight stuff and 10 lb dumbell stuff. I was thinking of starting with 2 25 lb plates. The book says go heavy, but doesn't tell you what sort of range that is! (should I be getting 2 50 lbs?)