Friday, February 15


This week went by fast! And it's going to be another long weekend for me... yay for the new holiday in Ontario - "family day"!
Although my hubby will be working :( I'm sure I can find something to occupy myself with... like doing my French homework, because DH is kind of kicking my ass in that department (not that he studies more, but he knows more French than me because he had it for a couple of years in high school).

I still refuse to eat any of the cheap-o valentine's chocolates at the office, but this is a temptation I really don't need. I know that this wouldn't bother a lot of people, but when I know that something sweet is out there... by the printer, accessible, it kind of tortures me. But it is easier not to have any, than to have one, because than I can't stop. Note to self - think of the good chocolates at home!

The scale this morning said 148. Hm... that would be like 0.6 down. I don't know if that's really a loss, or just regular up and down fluctuations. I dunno, I guess I'll take it as a loss.

This is unrelated to anything, but while I was eating lunch at my desk yesterday, I spilled some dressing on my keyboard. I freaked out that it's going to die on me, so I poped out some of the keys to wipe it.... gross!!!! My keyboard is white, so every piece of dirt and splat is visible... but inside... oh man, there were crumbs, fluffy dust bunnies, and something that looked like eyelashes.... eeewe. I've moved to this workstation a few months ago, and knowing that this was other person's crap in my keyboard grossed me out even more.... So, now I have to do a major cleaning! (oh, and it still works, as you can see).

Food for today (although now I've lost my appetite, I think!):

B: oatmeal, bluberries, 5g flaxseeds; grapefruit
S: banana, red bell pepper with hummus
L: broccoli with chickpeas and a bit of tofu (prepared this morning!)
S: pear?
D: trout fillet (baked), some veggies, quinoa

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Eww on the keyboard!! Get some air in a can and blast the yuckies away!

Congrats on the loss and on staying away from the candy!