Friday, February 1

12 weeks, 9.6lbs to lose

I've been ispired by Randi's post in which she challenged people to post photos of themselves each month to show their progress (and finally reach their goals... ).

So, I did my weigh in today, posted my stats, and will post pictures at the end of the month (as painful as that may be). My weight had been fluctuating steadily over the past two years between 145 to 149. I work out hard and eat healthy, unprocessed (some organic) food - but my body is just comfortable in this weight range. In order to lose these 9.6lbs I think I need to be really strict with the amount of calories I eat and add more cardio to see results. My BMI is 24.6, so it's just in the upper range of "normal weight". I'm tired of being almost there, dammit!

Today is the start of Week 1.

The goal is:

- lose 0.8lbs a week
- eat less (reasonably) overall, and eat less carbs, especially at dinner. Include more veggies, and stop drinking milk/eating dairy products by end of February (more on that later).
- learn to like one new veggie a month (and incorporate vegan recipies every week)

The plan is:

- continue my HIIT workouts with weights at lunch 3-4 x week (45min)
- continue to walk to and from work (6.6k)
- add two runs in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- add a short run on Saturday, and a long run on Sunday

Once I can handle this, I'll add a third run during the week. In terms of food, I'll get back to tracking it daily.

Today I went for a run on a treadmill (intervals, 45min) even though my "workout buddy" is not here. Yay for me! Today is my third week of working out every weekday (I took weekends off... but no more!).

Am I scared that I'm not going to loose anything at the end of the month? yes. Do I think I can do it? YES! There's no reason for me not to lose those pounds!

Food for today:

B: egg, whole wheat slice of bread, veggies, grapefruit (6)
S: 50g almonds, red pepper (2)
L: curry w yams, tofu, chicken (5)
salad (1)
S: apple (1)
D: tilapia fillet, salad + a grain (6)

1 comment:

Randi said...

Yay! Good for you! I love your goals, (and can't wait to hear the explanation on the dairy). Very impressed with the working out. I think you're doing great with frequency of working out - just make sure you work hard while your there!