Tuesday, February 5

No mooo milk?

Happy Tuesday!

The weekend was okay. I actually went for my run on Saturday... which turned out not to be a great idea, since we had a snow storm on Friday, and the path that runs along the river behind our apartment building wasn't plowed (obviously), but for some reason I decided to run there anyways... so somehow I did something to my left knee, and I was in pain for the rest of the weekend.

Eating-wise it was okay as well, even though it's TOM, and I was craving sweets, but we don't keep anything "dangerous" in the house anymore, so I had to make do with an orange and some whole wheat toast with jam.

Also, I still hadn't taken my "before" pictures! I don't want to ask my hubby to take them, 'cause he'll think I went complete nuts (read: obsessed), plus he thinks that half the time anyhow. So I think I'm just going to do them in the bathroom mirror... tomorrow morning.

Now, onto the milk thing. There were a lot things that influenced my decision to not consume dairy anymore, like this British show on Discovery Health channel. It was about this organic farmer that brings five junk-food addicts from the "city" to see where the food actually comes from. I don't need to tell you all about animal cruelty that sometimes is involved in getting that chicken or beef on your table. Milk and eggs are not an exception, even though the animals are not killed in the process.

Also, this video was forwarded to me by my friend on F.ace.book. I did a search on this girl and found her blog, where she writes this about dairy. So I was inspired to do my own research, and while there are two sides to this argument this and this support Kris's arguments. So, I will really do this for my health.

Ultimately, I'm leaning towards becoming a vegan. It's a big decision, and it will have an influence on other people, like my husband. I'm known to make rush decision and have an all-or-nothing attitude, so I want to make sure that I'm well prepared when I make the complete switch to a vegan life (that means consuming only plant-based food, no animal products). I'm slowly introducing foods that, I'm sure, will become my staples later on... like tofu, and soy milk. I already love and eat all kinds of grains, and fruits/veggies. I've stopped eating yogourt, and almost cut out all milk products. Although I am tempted to just jump into it, in this case, I think slower is better. :)


Randi said...

Well if you go vegan, make sure you're still eating healthy (getting enough iron and protein etc). Maybe talk to a doctor or nutritionist.

And take those stinkin' pictures!!!

Jen said...

Hi, I just came across your blog via Sonya's. I've been vegan for several years now, and I found that once I made the initial habit changes, it was really quite easy to eat a healthy vegan diet. Let me know if you have any questions :-)