Friday, February 8

The same

I did a weigh-in today and I stayed the same. I even pulled out my regular "manual" scale just to double check! (I usually use my digital one that gives me 0.0 accuracy). If this means that I'm gaining muscle, or retaining water, I'm okay with that. I really don't want to discourage. And that's why I'll be posting my weight progress together with my pics and measurements once a month. My only hope is that the will be progress, if not, needless to say, I'll be very very pissed...

I'm going for another weight training session today at lunch. I'm thankful that I'm somewhat recovered from Wednesday's workout. I also did a quick run on treadmill yesterday, in addition to my usual walk to work and back. I did some intervals for 15 min, and steady pace for 10, plus cool down.

The test went okay, by the way. I know I at least passed.... yeah, I know, I'm really ambitious! LOL But, seriously, I just need to pass the course, because I'm taking it for "fun". It was my husband's initiative to take the course, since it will be really useful to have French for his work (he works for the govern.ment), and I wouldn't mind learning it, but it's not really critical in my job. Also, I didn't want to be alone for two nights a week. We kind of always do everything together, it's good and not... we really have to find some friends to socialize with! But it's not easy, when all you do is go to work, and then home. Plus, both of us are kind of shy around new people, and are overall introverts... :) And we really really enjoy each others company! You'd think after eight years of knowing each other that would change... but luckily not.

Anyways, that's enough rambling for today! I'm looking forward to the weekend! My sister is coming tonight, and we'll hit the streets of Ottawa for some fun tomorrow!! (If you'd ever been to Ottawa, you'd know that that is an exaggeration of grand proportions.... :) this is not the most exciting city!)

Food for today:

B: high-protein oatmeal
S: carrots and hummus
L: chicken w beets and brussel sprouts
S: carrot juice w protein powder, banana
D: tbd


Jenn said...

I'll have to try adding some of those other things to my oatmeal. I'd love to get some walnuts to put in it. Mine this morning was 5 points, but it was so worth it, I was full for a very long time.

And I bet you are gaining muscle. Make sure you drink extra water to help your body with your workouts, and to make sure you aren't retaining!

I know what you mean about finding friends. Its so hard when you have a house and a family to take care of. I don't have any kids yet, I can't even imagine how much harder it will be then. But on the flip side, its good that you and your husband have so much fun together! :)

Have fun with your sister this weekend!

Amy said...

For some reason I thought you weren't blogging anymore... Hmm!

Now I feel bad because i haven't popped in to say hi of late... so HI!!!

Christy said...

Ok so maybe I'm old and boring, but I love Ottawa! And with Winterlude going on there is tons of stuff to do - for old boring people like me :)